ISO 31000 was approved following the ballot of ISO Member Organisations.
In the case of Australia and New Zealand, the Joint Technical Committee on Risk Management has approved the adoption of ISO 31000 as AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 Risk management — Principles and guidelines and for the withdrawal from sale of AS/NZS 4360:2004.
The only difference between the two documents is the Preface and Introduction which in the case of AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 will talk about the transition from 4360 to 31000. The approval process for Australian and New Zealand Standards has commenced with respect to AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 and will take some six weeks which means we should see the local version appear for sale as soon as the ISO process is completed or perhaps earlier.
Copies of the documents should be available for purchase from SAI-Global by mid to late December.
The Standards Australia/Standards New Zealand Joint Technical Committee on Risk Management is now actively working to update and bring all Handbooks, especially HB 436, into harmonisation with AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009. The updated Handbooks will be released progressively throughout the next year for sale from SAI-Global.
Dates for ISO workshops are published on the Learning and development page.
AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009
RMIA was the principal catalyst for the initial development of the highly successful standard as AS/NZS 4360 and was active in the development of its successor AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009.
The Risk Management Process AS/NZS ISO 31000 Risk Management Standard
ISO 31000 is a generic standard intended to provide a common approach in support of standards dealing with specific risks and/or sectors and does not intend to replace those standards. The standard gives generic guidelines for the principles and the adequate implementation of risk management. It is not intended to be used for the purposes of certification.
It has been adopted as AS/NZS ISO 31000:2009 by Standards Australia and Standards New Zealand as their National Standard for Risk Management. AS/NZS 43600 has been consigned to the history books.
Click on the url below to view Kevin Knight AM talking about ISO 31000: or order a DVD using the form in our Virtual Library.